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5 reasons to read "The Riddle of life"

The Riddle of Life is a moral philosophical and spiritual book written by Hassan Ismail and dedicated to investigating different life topics like nature and civilization, chaos and order, polarities and gender, religions and their relation to art and much more..

In an approach to solve the riddle of life, I project my perspective on life starting from prehistorical stories like the story of Adam and Eve and the symbolism decoded in that story, where I relate the events to the transformation of humans from the tribal life to a civilization, as the apple represents the sins of a civilization practiced by the male and female ( Adam and Eve). I then mention the story of Abel and Cain as a representation of the act of settlement and agricultural revolution, as God rejecting the plant's offering from Cain hints us that God did not want the humans to settle for agriculture, rather hunt and gather which was represented by the acceptance of Abel's animal offering.

And God accepted the animal based offering from Abel, to hunt to be able.
Able to keep Earth friends with nature, to keep harmony to keep it stable.
And God rejected the plant based offering from Cain, to avoid settlement in growing more grain.

"The Riddle of life"

Any person whether on spiritual path in life or not would love to read the "Riddle of life" for many different reasons. I will list 5 reasons to why you should read it:


It is a wake up call book that will give you new perspectives to reality in a civilization not specified to certain space or time rather looked at from a universal eye. As civilizations where built from a common base which is the human mind, and humans have plenty of common grounds to settle upon which enabled me to easier investigate the human cycle of life in a civilization.

2-Get Inspired

Inspiration is one of the main aims of this book, as once you read it you will be inspired to become a better person in a civilization. After reading the book for many times, especially the chapter that talks about righteousness, It brought in my heart a sense of practicing my virtues for the main reason mentioned in the book which is to be able to receive beauty and project it in what we build to create a better civilization on earth. As human body is like a vessel that can be filled with virtuous acts, and once we vibrate on that level, we enable the body to receive the light of higher consciousness that brings with it beauty. I emphasized in the book about the importance of the aspect of beauty in the human life and how we all can attain the ability to turn whatever we focus on doing to a more beautiful act through our righteous values. If you are seeking inspiration, that is totally the right book to start off your year with.

3-Become Wiser

If you are a seeker of wisdom, you will enjoy the journey of "The Riddle of Life" in all its aspects. Behind every chapter there is wise message that you will be getting, and those messages are what make this book so valuable to read. From the wisdom of nothingness, to chaos and order, I have placed a lot of effort in bringing those philosophies to life, and those philosophies will open many doors for you to learn the messages, and will widen the fields of your imagination to enable you better understand what you are learning mentally and emotionally.

Nothing is more beautiful than nothingness. And nothingness is more beautiful than nothing.
Solitude is nothingness, the nothingness from human beings which allows you to fill your space with yourself.
Can you admire life without existence? Then Why should you admire harmony without chaos?

"The Riddle of life"


The book is written in the form of verses which makes the reading experience much more fun and interesting. In addition at the end of every chapter there is poetic verses designed for each topic under study, which gives the book an artistical sense to it and more freedom in expressing the philosophies. Poetry enabled me to explore more fields of my ideas through imaginative thinking, this will also bring more understanding to the reader's experience as you will not only read concrete philosophical ideas but also you will imagine and delve artistically in the realm of philosophy and spirituality.

Me follows me, till all reach death. That moment of silence, a peaceful treaty with myself.
A beautiful guidance into the silence, a young girl’s shyness from her highness.

"The Riddle of life"

5- A unique approach to the spirit.

If you are on any spiritual or questioning path then this book is a great fit for you. Spirituality followed every chapter in the book as the main aspect under study is the human, and the spirit plays a major role in constituting the human conscious vessel. Yes humanity does not have enough knowledge about the nature of the spirit, but the beauty of this book is that it used creative imagination to approach the meaning of spirit and its relation to the air particles that we breathe. It was a very unique approach that will give you better understanding to spiritual reality, as I gathered my info from a research I did on many different historical culture's approach to the meaning of the spirit, and the beauty that the meaning of the spirit was common among those civilizations which implied the aspect of air.

The air is all around us, we not only breath it, but also fuse with it.
The spirit is a beautiful fusion between your righteous vessel and the righteous air.

"The Riddle of life"

At the end I would totally recommend this great book for any seeker of knowledge and wisdom on any spiritual path. As I mentioned in one of my interviews with the "Art of human" that this book is an artistical expression and its main reason is art. Which I imply the art of life, and approaching to solve this riddle is one of my greatest endeavors that I am walking through.

The book is available on Amazon, you can check it here The Riddle of Life.

Enjoy the read!

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Hassan Ismail is a thinker, author, researcher in esoteric studies and music composer.

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